Sunday, March 20, 2011

More purim pics!


Princess for Purim!

Let's see how long we can keep this on!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No complaints!

Sixty degrees and daylight savings!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


First, pre-birthday, we had a little dancing demo... And then we got the zydeco music going, and we had full-out frolicking with Rikki and Lizzie (aka Panpan and Yuanbao). Do birthdays get any better? We live across the street from Grant Park, and we are ready for Summer Dance (every weekend all summer).

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Welcome to the world of the pooda (computer)! Does it get any better?

Monday, March 7, 2011

New digs!

You gotta love this place -- a fully equipped kitchen and everything!

We just moved a week ago - a whole three blocks. Davis has made a record number of recycling trips with our cardboard boxes, and we are nearing the end. This kitchen took us nearly three hours to assemble. Right now we are playing indoors, but we will love being right across from Grant Park as soon as the weather warms up a bit.

Rikki is talking up a storm. Though she still isn't speaking many sentences, she knows how to communicate just about anything. Today she asked for her toenails to be clipped, because she was getting an ingrown toenail (mom's fault). She can sing several tunes (including twinkle, twinkle) and will always turn and wiggle to the sound of music. And it appears she knows the number eight -- that is, she knows one, two, five (sometimes) and... everytime I get to 7, she chimes in with 8! Besides the fancy new kitchen, she is enjoying the glider chairs and also the reclining section of our new sofa. And she has recently taught herself how to jump - which fills her with delight, as does her little baobao, who goes everywhere with her.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Do it!

One of my favorite phrases, because I like to do everything myself.