Friday, January 13, 2012

notes from the teacher..

Rikki's teachers have a nice practice of sending home little notes at the end of the week.  Here's what I got today: 

1/9/12 -
On Rikki's first day of school, Ofra and Rikki were clearing their dishes from the snack table together.  When it came time to clear the plates, Rikki said, "I will take yours" and she stacked her plate on top of Ofra's and carried both of them to the dish bin.  

1/13/12 -
Rikki and Joseph were each painting on either side of the easel.  Mid-painting, Rikki and Joseph switched sides and began painting on each other's paper.  This is Rikki's second day in the classroom with Joseph.  

I also joined the class for "pretend Shabbat" which they do at 12:30 every day.  Afterwards, the mom of one of the classmates came up to me and said that her son is very taken with Rikki and wants to invite her for a playdate.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Olive monster!

Olives ... For breakfast? Sort of like ... Cows in Berkeley? (the old Berkeley farms commercial)

Monday, January 9, 2012

School girl

Our Rikki was SO proud of herself going to school today -- she took all of her responsibilities very seriously, reminding me that her doll, baobao, had to wait in the car, insisting that her lunchbox was too heavy for me to carry, putting her lunchbox on the counter with all the lunchboxes, putting her shoes in the basket for kids who want to take their shoes off in class, hanging her coat on the coat hook, washing her hands, etc. etc.

On the way over this morning in the car, she kept forgetting to call it "school" and actually was calling it the "party." So I knew she was ready and happy to be there! I was more nervous than she was -- can you imagine I actually left home to pick her up without my iPhone!? Yes, that's me.

That's my lunchbox

It's too heavy for you!

On our way for the first day of school ; ) just like Pete the cat.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Save the last dance for her

Rikki loves to join my dance class rather than stay in the childcare area ... so I pulled her out this morning for the last song, and it couldn't have been a better selection.

We are in Berkeley now, and yesterday she went to visit the preschool she will be attending while we are here. The teachers were very touched when she tried to help a little girl who was crying. One of the teachers was helping the girl, so the other teacher told Rikki to come back to the table where everyone was having their snacks. But when Rikki heard the girls say she wanted a paper towel, she got up from her seat, walked into the bathroom, and grabbed a paper towel and handed it to the girl. I swear that was the first time she stopped crying.

The teacher who originally had called her back to the table said to me, "Never try to suppress a noble instinct." And I just sat and kvelled.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hi Nana

We miss you after ten days in sunny Phoenix.

The newest kind of "iPad"

Monday, January 2, 2012

happy 2012

Have a ball (or at least a balloon) this year!