Rikki's teachers have a nice practice of sending home little notes at the end of the week. Here's what I got today:
1/9/12 -
On Rikki's first day of school, Ofra and Rikki were clearing their dishes from the snack table together. When it came time to clear the plates, Rikki said, "I will take yours" and she stacked her plate on top of Ofra's and carried both of them to the dish bin.
1/13/12 -
Rikki and Joseph were each painting on either side of the easel. Mid-painting, Rikki and Joseph switched sides and began painting on each other's paper. This is Rikki's second day in the classroom with Joseph.
I also joined the class for "pretend Shabbat" which they do at 12:30 every day. Afterwards, the mom of one of the classmates came up to me and said that her son is very taken with Rikki and wants to invite her for a playdate.