Saturday, June 5, 2010

No pics today

Pan Pan is tired of having her picture taken. She looks away from the
camera when we try to get her attention. So, though we took some, few
came out well and I am not sending any out of respect for her. I
can't blame her, it is hard to be in front of the camera so often.
But we will send more soon.

We did get her partway into the swimming pool, and she actually seemed
to enjoy splashing around with her feet on the edge. She gets a
little scared, but mostly seems to feel safe with us. In fact, the
orphanage caretakers mentioned to me that when they held her, she
would grasp onto them very tightly. We noticed the same thing when
she first came to us. Interestingly, both of us notice her no longer
doing this. We hope this means she is feeling comfortable with us.

We have more free time these days, so have spent time walking around
without our group. I hear comments from people who don't know I speak
Chinese. Because Rikki's hair is light brown, not black, some people
assume she is not Chinese (also of course because we are not
Chinese). I hear them saying things like, "She looks kind of like a
Chinese child, doesn't she?" Brown hair is uncommon, but not unheard
of, among Chinese, but it is generally associated with foreigners.
One department store cashier was more blunt: "You two didn't give
birth to that child, did you?" she inquired. "She looks nothing like
you." These are the mildly annoying situations one has to deal with
when one has an adopted child. Fortunately, both Chicago and Berkeley
are sophisticated places where we hope this won't be a big problem.

Pan Pan's cold is slowly getting better, and so is mine. Davis is
about 36 hours behind us, but he's also over the hump, I think. We
are determined to be healthy for our plane ride back.

Speaking of that, it is now just 4 and a half days until we leave.
Just need that visa.


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