Saturday, May 22, 2010

View from the Jinfeng

I guess you can say we woke up refreshed after our first full night
sleep since Monday night. Here is the view from our window. Also,
since the rain has stopped, we will be able to explore the
neighborhood before our bundle arrives. But first, to the gym ... a
sort of Soviet-style exhibition hall full of work-out equipment.

Sent 6:23 AM from Nanchang

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the updates, Pam! I read the updates to the whole crew here. Ricky's picture made William remember the Beijing Chinacare baby that I loved, yitunr :) love the pics from your room--looks the same as ever ;) Walmart in China--the idea is still bizarre to me. You can run but you cannot hide! xo, b
